New Construction Updates
Building for our Future
Gilbert Schools could not be more excited about the future of the district. With 83 percent community support for our bond referendum in November of 2023, we are thrilled to be moving forward with new facilities throughout the district over the next few years.
Elementary School
Gilbert Schools held its official ground breaking ceremony at the site of its new elementary building in early September of 2024.
The new Gilbert Elementary is scheduled to be completed in late spring or early summer of 2026 with the goal of opening to students at the start of the 2026-27 school year.
CMBA Architects designed the new Gilbert Elementary, and Denovo is serving as the construction manager for the project.
“The ground breaking symbolizes the future of Gilbert Schools. By having community members and kindergartners there, it represented building on our rich history while also building into the future for generations to come.“
-Dr. Christine Trujillo, Superintendent of Gilbert Schools
The Gilbert Community School District is excited to share an update with you on the progress of the construction at the newly located Gilbert Elementary building.
Starting the week of December 9, 2024, the prefabricated walls will begin to be delivered and installed. This is an incredibly exciting time for the project, as the building will begin to take shape over the next few months. The first phase of this process will start in the northeast corner of the new building site and is expected to take a few weeks to complete. We expect there to be six phases of the prefabricated walls installation, and it should be finished by the end of February.
This process will include the use of a large crane to put the walls in place and you may notice other large pieces of equipment moving in and out of the construction site during this process. Our construction team has been directed to keep a close eye on traffic to mitigate issues and ensure the proper construction routes will be used to avoid congestion within the city limits. In addition, all construction teams are aware of school drop-off and pick-up times, and will be actively avoiding moving equipment during those windows.
We know there may be some issues that arise from time to time and we will do our best to address those in a timely manner.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Stephen Manus, Project Manager, Denovo Construction Solutions, at, or Chris Eden, Project Superintendent, Denovo Construction Solutions, at Also feel free to reach out to Vic Vanderpool, Gilbert CSD Executive Director, at, or by phone at 515-232-3740.
Middle School
In the spring of 2024, construction began on a new secured entrance at Gilbert Middle School. The project was completed in early November of 2024.
The new secured entrance allows school staff to vet all visitors prior to granting them access to the building. It also includes several new offices.