Back to School Superintendent Note 2020
We have hired several new staff members, and I’d like to take this opportunity to share who they are and what they will be teaching with you. If you see them out and about, be sure to welcome them to our community. We are excited to support them in their first year here and know they will bring excellent skills to their positions.
Lauren Anderson 7th Grade Writing
Jayd Brown 4th Grade
Mindy Handsaker .50 FTE IS SPed/IS Sped Associate
Brittany McAlexander 3rd Grade
Nikki Pals IS Sped Associate
Mary Clark IS Reading Associate – Oct. 1
Michael Nordeen HS Sped Associate
Sonya Peterson ES Sped Associate
Brittany Riesenberg MS Sped Associate
Ragan Carlson MS Sped Associate
Abigail Dalgarn MS Sped Associate