December Superintendent Note
Promote Multiple Career and Life Opportunities is another District Priority that I’d like to focus on this month. By the end of the 2019-2020 school year, all grade levels will have career exploration as a part of their curriculum. We will make a concerted effort to allow our students to explore possible careers and life opportunities. We think this may help students choose courses wisely and, hopefully, help them begin a career that they love and helps them achieve their goals and dreams. You will be hearing more about this as we progress through the year. We’d also like to utilize our public more to give students experiences in the field or opportunities to hear about what the people in our community like about their careers and what it took to get there.
The construction projects from the bond issue are nearing the end! We will be able to move into the new rooms shortly after Christmas break. Everything is looking great and we have enjoyed a positive relationship with the people responsible for getting it built. I look forward to the opportunities these new rooms will give our students at both the high school and middle school. Thanks to the students and teachers who have had to put up with some disruptions and extra noise in the process. Feel free to take a look around when you are in either one of the buildings!
As we head into the heart of winter, it is time to remind you of the possibility of inclement weather and school cancellations. To listen for any announcements about the weather, we have a variety of ways to keep you informed: announcements on KCCI, WHO, and WOI TV, alerts from the Gilbert district on your phone or email, and website notices. If you are not receiving notices by phone and would like to, please contact my office.
We have several basketball games and concerts coming up prior to break. We’d love to have you come support our students!