Superintendent Message
We have been fortunate this year to have four people who are willing to run for our school board to help us continue down the path we are on and guide us into the future. A public forum was held last week for the candidates and you can still watch it if you go to the link on the PTO page on our website. The four people running for the two spots available include Sonja Albertsen, Destiny Lampiainen, John Nelson, and Deb Ordal. The election will be held on September 12th at the Lutheran Church in Gilbert from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. I would encourage you to educate yourself about these candidates and to use your voice and vote in this election.
A couple other items of note: we have a new Wellness Policy and will be sharing the contents of this policy with you in the next couple of weeks. Additionally, and I know this seems really early, the date for Open Enrollment application deadlines are March 1, 2018 for Grades 1-12 and September 1, 2018 for Kindergarten and Preschool. I am putting this in now as we always have people who miss the deadline, so I am trying to proactively communicate this important date.
We have a work session coming up with Haila Architecture in October to make some final decisions on what our next steps will be for facilities in the district. We have seen some impressive growth over the last couple of years and that does not seem to be letting up! We will work hard to communicate the decisions that are made and why we have chosen them as we want to be transparent in this process. We have been having building meetings and have already answered many questions and held great discussions. We appreciate all of the input and want you to know we are listening as we move forward with this next phase.
I hope you all had some time to relax over Labor Day weekend and celebrate the end of summer. It is shaping up to be a busy year in the district and we are off to a solid start!