Superintendent Note – June 2018
We had several individual teachers receive well deserved recognition from a variety of groups, not the least of which was the Iowa Department of Education. We were able to gather data about student achievement and growth and make important changes to how we deliver instruction. We had two new administrators who have joined our team and made their buildings a reflection of themselves. They have embraced changes while maintaining high standards and beloved traditions. We have had incredible parental support and we have had parents question our decisions–both of which can benefit the students. We are committed to listening to our stakeholders and making decisions after listening to all sides. And best of all, we have many students who have experienced success and have had a great year academically and emotionally. That is not to say we haven’t had kids experience stresses, struggles, or even tragedy, but our hope is we have been a place of comfort and support. That being said, I truly hope everyone has a chance to take a break, relax and enjoy time as a family this summer.
As I am writing this the Boys Soccer team has won its first game at state, the Girls Soccer team is making a run at state, and our Girls Golf Team crowned a State Champion, Britta Snyder, and finished third at the state tournament. And Gilbert junior, Davi Patterson, is playing for a state championship in tennis for Boone. That is a good week in athletics by any standard! Congratulations to all our student athletes and coaches.
I plan to spend the summer overseeing the new building projects that are already getting underway and preparing for the 2018-2019 school year. I may even try to get in some vacation time to visit my daughter in Colorado who will be starting her career in public education. I look forward to another year full of successes and challenges next fall. Until then, enjoy your summer!