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Building for the Future: Ground Breaking Ceremony for New Gilbert Elementary Takes Place

The future of the Gilbert Community School District moved in a positive direction Friday morning with the official ground breaking ceremony at the site of the new elementary building.

With Gilbert Superintendent Dr. Christine Trujillo, Gilbert Elementary Principal Staci Edwards, all five members of the school board — President Josh Bennett, Vice President Andrew Ricklefs, Melissa Pearson, Mindy Rash, and Nathan Kerns — several teachers, and an excited bunch of kindergarten students among those in attendance, dirt was moved to officially signify the start of the construction process.

“The ground breaking symbolizes the future of Gilbert Schools,” Dr. Trujillo said. “By having community members and kindergartners there, it represented building on our rich history while also building into the future for generations to come.”

The new Gilbert Elementary is scheduled to be completed in late spring or early summer of 2026 with the goal of opening to students to start the 2026-27 school year. The kindergarten students who took part in Friday’s ground breaking ceremony, all of whom are second-, third-, or fourth-generation Gilbert students, will be among the initial second-grade class to learn in the new building.

Several members of the team from CMBA Architects — the firm that Gilbert CSD is working with on the design of all of its upcoming construction projects — were present for the ceremony. Community members Gene Upstill, Donna Holtan, and Sharon Popp were also in attendance. Mrs. Holtan was a teacher at Gilbert Elementary when the current building opened to students in 1976, and she was excited to be present for the start of what will be the future of Gilbert Elementary.

With the new secured front entrance at Gilbert Middle School almost complete, and additional construction projects at Gilbert High School coming soon, it’s an exciting time in our district. Gilbert Schools is planning for the future of the district, one with more students and more opportunities.

The new Gilbert Elementary and a number of other construction projects scheduled are all possible due to the bond initiative that community members supported overwhelmingly in November of 2023.

“I’m so grateful to our community for voting yes to help us build for generations to come,” Dr. Trujillo said.

Back To School Event Information

The countdown to the start of the 2024-25 school year is on! The first day of classes for the 2024-25 school year will take place on Friday, August 23.

Prior to that, Gilbert Schools will hold its annual Back To School event in each of its four buildings to give students a chance to see their classrooms and meet their teachers.

Gilbert Elementary and Intermediate will hold their Back To School events on Wednesday, August 21, from 3-6 p.m. In addition, our elementary and intermediate students will have their school pictures taken during this time.

Elementary and Intermediate families, AFTER information on homeroom teachers is released on Monday, Aug. 5, please sign up for a time slot to visit your classroom and get your school picture taken — elementary HERE and intermediate HERE. Links to sign-up can also be found in the Picture Day flyer below, and you will be receiving an email from your building with sign-up information as well.

Preschool families, a parent only meeting in your student’s assigned classroom will take place on Wednesday, August 21, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Gilbert Middle School will hold its Back to School event for sixth-grade students on Tuesday, August 20, from 6-7 p.m., and for seventh- and eighth-grade students on Wednesday, August 21, from 6-7 p.m. Students may tour the building and place supplies in their lockers during those times.

Gilbert High School will welcome families and students for Back To School night on Wednesday, August 21, from 6-7 p.m. A freshman and new student orientation will take place, and parents are encouraged to attend. All 9-12 students can visit with teachers, walk through schedules, and drop off supplies at that time.

All of this information can also be found in the photos below.


If you haven’t yet registered your child or children for school, we encourage you to do that as soon as possible. For our elementary and intermediate students, teacher assignments will be released on Monday, August 5. That information will not be available to you until your child is registered.

If you have a returning student or students, you will need to log into your parent portal to complete your registration HERE.

If you have a new student or students to the district, please click HERE. You will get credentials to log into Infinite Campus after your registration is approved.

We look forward to seeing many of our students at these events, and all of our students on the first day of classes!

THE JOURNEY: From Preschool to Caps and Gowns

First Gilbert preschool class set to graduate in May

One by one, they walked through the preschool classroom door, unsure of what to expect. They stopped at the back of the classroom and looked around, from one side of the room to the next. They saw the youngest of Gilbert students sitting at tables, either coloring or playing or talking. They glanced to the front of the room and saw a familiar face in Heather Currans looking their way with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye.

And one by one, they smiled. They were back where it all began. Where they started it all, really.

They were the first. And they always will be.


Mrs. Currans simply doesn’t own a poker face. She often wears her emotions on her sleeve and communicates through radiating eyes and a warm and welcoming smile, which is perfect for a preschool teacher.

She did her best to hold it together — the emotions of the moment — when 18 of her former pupils walked through her classroom door on a bright Thursday morning just after the first bell had rung. Had her current students not already been in the room and needing her undivided attention, she almost certainly would have crumbled.

A few tears did slip down her cheek, first when senior Cam Stephens presented her with a floral arrangement from the Class of 2024. Hugs were quick but so heartfelt, both from teacher and student.

This was going to be a good morning.


In a few short weeks — seriously, where does the time go? — the Class of 2024 will say goodbye to the Gilbert Community School District. Like so many classes before, graduation will be celebratory, reflective, and emotional. The seniors will move on, and hopefully they’ll look back at their adolescent years with fond memories of what they experienced inside our halls and classrooms.

This class is special though, particularly to Currans and Gilbert Elementary Principal Staci Edwards. In the fall of 2010, 20 of this year’s graduates — Taylor Banning, Ashton Dodds, Henry Gustafson, Jackson Johnson, Kiera Miller, Kilee Miller, Taylor Puck, Eli Roske, Ian Roske, Toby Ruba, Cam Stephens, Elle Ellingson, Adalyn Gauck, Zach Heimer, Haley Loonan, Hope Marquette, Zain Mueller, Maddy Shannon, Sidney Steenhoek, and Dylan Terry — were a part of the first ever preschool class at Gilbert. Classmate Jacob Leedom, who tragically passed away this past fall, was also part of that special group.

The first Gilbert Elementary preschool class to graduate. Now that’s pretty special.

“The evolution of that particular class has been so fun to watch,” Edwards, who led the effort to implement the Early Childhood Program at Gilbert, said. “They’ve been in school the whole time I’ve been at Gilbert and I think about the change they’ve seen going from a district that had three buildings to four buildings, and then to a new (high school) building. It’s exciting to know in a bigger picture how much change can happen in really just the school lifetime of a kiddo here at Gilbert.”

With administration and community support, Edwards wrote the early childhood grant for state funding throughout the 2009-10 school year, and after receiving accreditation through NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), Gilbert was ready to welcome its first class in the fall of 2010.

Currans, who had worked in the Ames school district for a number of years, applied and was hired to lead the new program at Gilbert Elementary. In the first year, she taught two sections of preschool — a morning class with 17 students and an afternoon class with 16 students.

“It was pretty exciting to be able to start a program from the ground up,” Currans said. “Everything from how you’re going to set up your room to what is your teaching philosophy going to be, to getting new things. And what I really loved is Staci is an early childhood person … she trusted me to make the decisions that I felt would be best to build the program. Anywhere I’ve ever worked, I’ve never had the kind of support from a principal or administrator that I have here. She was instrumental in getting the program here and making it what it is.”

Over the past 14 school years, approximately 750-800 students have taken part in Gilbert’s Early Childhood Program. So popular was the program that in 2012-13, another educator was hired and preschool increased to four sections — two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Kindergarten prep was added for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years, and then returned again in 2019-20 where it has remained since.


And that brings us back to last Thursday — April 11, 2024 — when some of those first students returned to where it all began.

After the initial shock of being in their first classroom, the 18 seniors quickly acclimated to their surroundings. After greetings with Currans, they gravitated toward the tables spread around the room to interact with this year’s preschool students.

Slowly, the memories began to flood back into their minds.

“I really couldn’t remember a lot of things off the top of my head, but being back in the classroom again made me remember all of the things we did,” Cam Stephens said. “It’s where I met all of the kids and a lot of them are my friends today.

“It was cool to be back, especially talking to Mrs. Currans because I’ve known her for so long. She was definitely a great teacher.”

Following the free time with the young students, the seniors joined the preschoolers on the carpet in the front of the room to get the day started. Many of the soon-to-be graduates nodded their heads, remembering the morning routine of checking the date and the weather outside. Those are happy memories, but there was also a bit of melancholy at the realization of just how fast the entire school experience went.

“Mrs. Currans has seen us all grow up and be who we are now, so there is a lot of nostalgia for that for sure,” Elle Ellingson said. “But it was also kind of sad being back there. To be back there and see all of the little kids … seeing how much life they have to go through and learn, it’s sad that it went by so fast, but also beautiful to think about.”

Zain Mueller wore a perpetual grin on his face throughout the morning. The energy and enthusiasm of the preschoolers was infectious and made it impossible for the seniors not to see the joy.

“It’s fun to see them be happy all of the time,” Mueller said. “I was definitely thinking back to my preschool and elementary memories, and it was fun to be in Mrs. Currans’ room again. She was definitely the best preschool teacher you could ask for. She was always so sweet and helpful.”

Mrs. Currans felt the affection from her former students, both through their expressions and their words. So see them all in her classroom again, to see what it meant to each of the seniors to return to where it all began, it will stay with her forever.

“It was incredible and I was blown away with how many of them came,” Mrs. Currans said, the emotion in her voice resonating through the cracks. “I know the things these kids have gone through and I know the accomplishments they’ve had, so to see them grow is just really neat. It meant so much to me to see all of them back here.”

Just like their entire academic careers at Gilbert, the 30 minutes in the classroom went by quickly. It was time for the seniors to leave, to head to their own building and prepare for a day of learning.

But not before they made one last stop.

The seniors went out the back door of the classroom and headed to the playground for one last trip down slide mountain. There were laughs and even a few screams as, one by one, they flew down one of the side slides.

“It doesn’t seem like 14 years ago I was in that classroom sitting on that carpet and writing my name in a workbook,” Stephens said. “It definitely goes by really fast.”

It sure does.

Preschool Students Learn About Space

On Thursday, Gilbert Elementary preschool teachers Mrs. Currans and Mrs. Terrones had the pleasure to welcome Mr. Jim Christensen into their morning and afternoon classes to teach our youngest students about science, specifically the sun, the moon, and space.

A little background on Mr. Christensen, who just so happens to be the dad of Mrs. Anderson, our middle school and high school family and consumer sciences teacher. Mr. Christensen was a sixth-grade science teacher for many years before he moved on to be a Science, Math and Technology Director with the AEA.

After retiring, Mr. Christensen went to work at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida where he served as the Director of Education. At the Kennedy Space Center, he led a project designing a new education building named the ATX Center (ATX stands for Astronaut Training Experience).

Currently, Mr. Christensen  is the Director of Innovation for Aldren Family Foundation, an educational non-profit. He writes STEAM curriculum materials and projects, trains teachers, and conducts presentations for students, teachers and the general public.

Mr. Christensen’s vast knowledge and ability to connect with students was quite apparent yesterday. The kids were captivated, particularly when they went outside to see a homemade rocket launch! Anytime the word “NASA” was mentioned, their eyes got wide.

Mr. Christensen, thank you for spending some time with our students. It was so informative and so much fun!

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Gilbert Community School District

Gilbert Community School District

103 Mathews Drive, Gilbert, Iowa 50105  |  (515) 232-3740