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The elementary has newly established a systemic approach to student behavior called PBIS. Throughout the building we have established a common language for expectations in common areas such as the lunchroom, recess, hallway, and restrooms. In addition, we have established a system of teaching those expectations and a method for positively reinforcing the behaviors that we wish to see. I addition, we have a established a menu of consequences which clearly communicates to parents, staff and students the ramifications of their behaviors.

Voice Levels

The elementary is implementing a voice level system to let students know what level of voice is appropriate in what area. Below are the numbers and their definitions.

0  Silence is Golden Absolute silence. Nobody is talking.
1 Spy Talk Whispering with a 6” voice. Only 1 person can hear you.
2  Conversation Only your group can hear you.
3  Teacher Voice Everyone can hear you.
4  Playground Noise Outside only!

Common Area Behavior Matrix: The Tiger Way is to be your best


Be Ready

(“I am ready. I will…”)

Be Safe

(“I am safe. I will…”)

Be Kind

(“I am kind. I will…”)

Voice Level


  • I will follow directions the first time given.
  • Iwillgetoffatmy stop.
  • I will be responsible
  • for belongings.
  • I will stay seated on the bus.
  • I will follow bus expectations.
  • I will keep my hands, feet, and belongings to myself.
  • I will check seat area for
  • lost items and turn them into the bus driver.
  • I will let the driver know if someone needs help.
  • I will share my seat fairly.
  • I will use good manners.
  • I will use appropriate language.



I will know and follow the adult given directions.

  • I will walk.
  • I will keep my body to myself.
  • I will keep eyes looking forward.
  • I will stay to the right unless told otherwise.
  • I will wait for passing lines.
  • I will hold the doors for others.
  • I will wave or smile to say “hello”.
  • I will keep my body to myself.



I will get all food & utensils the 1st time.

  • I will stay seated and raise my hand.
  • I will keep my hands, feet, and food to myself.
  • I will keep my area neat and clean.
  • I will use good manners.
  • I will be welcoming to my classmates.
  • I will speak kindly to others.
  • I will wait patiently in line.
  • I will listen to directions the first time.



  • I will make sure an adult knows where I am.
  • I will Use/Flush/
  • Wash/Leave.
  • I will leave the bathroom ready for the next person.
  • I will report problems andbullying behavior to an adult right away.
  • I will return promptly.
  • I will mind my own business.
  • I will keep the bathroom clean.
  • I will take care of school property.
  • I will leave the bathroom lights on.
  • I will wait patiently for my turn.



  • I will line up when the bell rings.
  • I will put equipment away when finished.
  • I will line up when the bell rings.
  • I will put equipment away when finished.
  • I will include others in play.
  • I will take turns.
  • I will try to solve my problems.
  • I will report injuries and bullying behavior to the playground supervisor.
  • I will show good sportsmanship.
  • I will listen to directions the first time.


Indoor Recess

  • I will clean up when the teacher asks.
  • I will put all toys and games away when finished.
  • I will only use items teacher has approved.
  • I will stay in my classroom.
  • I will use games and toys correctly and safely.
  • I will ask an adult to go to the bathroom or leave the room.
  • I will walk in the classroom.
  • I will invite others to play.
  • I will take turns.
  • I will try to solve my problems.
  • I will report injuries and bullying behavior to the teacher on duty.
  • I will use kind words
  • I will listen to directions the first time.


Field Trip

  • I will have all materials I need.
  • I will stay with my assigned adult.
  • I will follow directions the first time.
  • I will be a good listener.
  • I will leave the propertyas I found it or better.


Library/ Computer

  • I will have all materials I need.
  • I will follow internet expectations.
  • I will keep my hands and feet to myself.
  • I will listen to directions the first time.


Before/ After School

  • I will go directly
  • to my assigned area.
  • I will be on time.
  • I will have all I need for where I am going.
  • I will walk.
  • I will keep my hands, feet, and backpack to myself.
  • I will put belongings away.
  • I will listen to directions the first time.


Extra-Curricular Activities Assembly

  • I will listen to those presenting.
  • I will follow directions.
  • I will enter and exit safely.
  • I will stay seated or stand when appropriate.
  • I will report problems and bullying behavior to an adult right away.
  • I will participate as appropriate.
  • I will respect personal space.
  • I will listen to directions the first time.
  • I will show good sportsmanship.



  • I will keep track of my own belongings.
  • I will get the thingsI need out of myarea right away.
  • I will put and keepmy belongings in my own area.
  • I will put away all my belongings.
  • I will keep my hands and feet to myself.
  • I will take turns putting things away with my locker partner.
  • I will close my locker door quietly.
  • I will use kind words and actions with my friends.
  • I will check area outside lockers for lost items and give to the teacher.


PBIS Major/Minor Consequence Matrix

Level 1:

“Deal with it” Handled/Record by the teacher

Level 2:

Non-Referred/ Recorded on Tally Sheet (MINORS)

Level 3:

Referred/ Recorded on Behavior Report that is sent home (MAJORS)


  • Unprepared
  • Running in hallway
  • Not following verbal directions
  • Refusing to work
  • Laying on floor
  • Moving ahead of another in line
  • Damaging their own belongings (clothes, work, backpack, etc.)
  • Not following voice level for area
  • Blurting out
  • Inappropriate noises


3 Level 1 behaviors in a day, or 5 in a week will result in a minor behavior (Level 2)


  • Continuous Level 1 behaviors
  • Tattling
  • Intentional physical contact with another student without intent to do harm
  • Constant talking
  • Looking under bathroom stalls
  • Using language not socially acceptable for school (age level)
  • Lying

3 Level 2 behaviors in a day, or 5 in a week will result in a major behavior (Level 3)

  • Intentionally damaging classroom or other people’s belongings
  • Talking back to an adult
  • Throwing things to cause damage or disruption
  • Lying about someone else
  • Inappropriate language directed at another person
  • Leaving room (area) without permission
  • Defiance (not following direction after more than one reminder or doing the opposite of direction)
  • Intentional physical aggression with intent to cause harm
  • Biting
  • Fighting *
  • Threatening *
  • Stealing *
  • Weapons *


  • Verbal or non verbal reminders or warnings
  • Reflection time for the student (teacher-student conference, cool off time, etc.)
  • Reteach
  • Verbal or non verbal reminders or warnings
  • Reflection time for the student (teacher-student conference, cool off time, etc.)
  • Office referral
  • Reteach
  • Verbal or non verbal reminders or warnings
  • Reflection time for the student (teacher-student conference, cool off time, etc.)
  • Office referral
  • Reteach
  • Home contact
  • ISS
  • OSS
  • Loss of privilege
  • Referral to PLC team
  • Referral to PBIS team
  • Restitution
Gilbert Community School District

Gilbert Community School District

103 Mathews Drive, Gilbert, Iowa 50105  |  (515) 232-3740