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Every talented and gifted learner achieves his/her full academic potential

Mission Statement

The GCSD mission is to provide appropriate, engaging challenges for identified academically talented and gifted learners through motivating and differentiated programming.

Belief Statements

  • All educators share the responsibility for talented and gifted learners
  • All educators benefit from professional development regarding talented and gifted learners
  • Talented and gifted learners need opportunities to explore passions and interests
  • Talented and gifted learners have unique social/emotional/learning needs
  • Talented and gifted learners require differentiated instruction
  • Talented and gifted learners has the need to engage in problem solving with gifted peers
  • Identification of talented and gifted learners should be flexible, inclusive, and include multiple criteria
  • Identification of talented and gifted learners may include all academic areas or individual areas of strength


  • Create a learning environment that emphasizes the individual potential of talented and gifted learners
  • Provide opportunities for talented and gifted learners to interact with like peers
  • Establish a learning climate that values and enhances intellectual ability, creativity, talent, and decision making
  • Encourage the development and use of higher order thinking skills



Gilbert Community School District

Gilbert Community School District

103 Mathews Drive, Gilbert, Iowa 50105  |  (515) 232-3740